
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays

Knife draw x 65, Grand Total: 1135
Pushups, day 2-1
Situps, day 2-1

Saturday I failed to get my third day for situps again, for the second week in a row. So I've decided to go ahead and do pushups and situps in the same day. And I still managed to exceed the minimums for my max sets (wow that sounds confusing) - but only barely, and with much effort.

For knife draws, I was watching TV, so I didn't bother getting close to the wall like last week, but I tried to pay close attention to how far my knife hand was from my body. It seemed pretty close. I did the last 5 (bonus draws, yay!) with a slowish draw into a knife jab. I still haven't broke down and bought the Reverse Edge Methods DVDs, but I did watch a YouTube clip by Southnarc where he shows the basic knife jab (he's demoing how to use the Spyderco P'Kal, which I want, badly), so I have a better understanding of the mechanics involved. On Saturday, I did go ahead and order the drone version of my pocketknife, so I'll be able to eventually get a little more aggressive with my training movements.


  1. Hey Snell, keep digging. I have YET to start my Filipino lessons. That's just epic failure. At least you're almost a month into this goal!! Good on you. My Saturday was smashing it up in Vancouver BC which is counter-productive to my goal. Then again, it was my birthday so I'm allowed a day off, right?

  2. Shit, another year I miss your birthday. Happy Birthday compadre. Yes, you definitely get a day off for that.

    Now get your ass in gear.
