So I got the DVD from Chris and watched the way it was done in there. It matched up with another video I watched and the big thing was they were different than what I was doing. I looked into it a bit and it turns out the way I learned is a bit outdated. I decided to switch to the way it was in the DVD.
My first 10 draws were super slow and were done along with the DVD. After I got the basic idea down I did the next 40 on my own. There were a lot of changes but I like the new way better so far. I need to get to the range and try shooting isosceles instead of my normal weaver but that is a whole separate story. I think I need to buy another case of ammo to work on switching it up.
Another 50 down
250 total, I'm falling way behind pace here. I think I need to step it up a bit. Less days off
Welcome to the wonderful world of the 4 count drawstroke. Learn to love that high pectoral index. As you move into more close quarters type stuff, you'll end up spending a lot of time at the #2 position.