
Another Yom, Another Fifty

As Chops said, sometimes it's just the accountability that gets you to follow through. Yesterday when I got in from work, I leafed through fifty flash cards, and then I did it again right before I went to bed. The first set probably wouldn't have happened without the blog, and the second set definitely wouldn't have happened without the blog.

I'm really shaking out the cobwebs on some of the words I'm reviewing at the moment. It's frustrating. It reminds me of stories I've heard about people who plateau when they're working out, and it gets frustrating because they can't push past it. I've only been doing this for a few days, but I think I see the correlation because if the frustration I'm having is in any way similar, it would be a big temptation to just give up. I don't intend to do that, of course, but I think about these things because I over-analyze just about everything.

The next couple of weeks will be tough because I'm packing things up, getting things ready, and heading out for a couple of weeks of well earned vacation. Knowing that I'm being held accountable, though, will be very, very helpful in keeping up on studying.

UPDATE: Okay, I just did fifty this morning, and I'll come back and flip through the same fifty later this afternoon. I think I have about twenty more after this and then I'll have to either start repeating, or spend a day making twenty or thirty more flash cards. The fifty at a time thing seems to be working well, and maybe that's how I'll get my "reps" in. So, I'm technically compliant for today, but I'll finish up later today. Kulish zayn.


  1. Way to keep it up. I'll go ahead and plug the Leitner system again for flash cards. I looked into it a little more since last time I mentioned it, and I think it's geared pretty well to making the most use out of a limited number of flash cards.


  2. That actually looks like a pretty decent system. I think I'll give it a few weeks just to familiarize myself with all of the words, and then start implementing that. I'm at a bit of a disadvantage because each card has two words on it, but I can probably work that into the equation. Thanks, Chops!
