
An attempt

Trying to get back in the habit of regular posts. We'll see how long this keeps up.

When I bought my new 16kg kettlebell, I also bought a 10lb kettlebell. I figured that would be light enough to not aggravate my wife's back, while still letting her do squats and halos and such. She hasn't really touched it, though. On the other hand, my sons have gone nuts over it.

Some mornings, my 7 year old and I will do some goblet squats and deadlifts together with the bells. I'll usually do a couple clean and presses too, then tell him not to try them because he's not ready. Well, last Wednesday morning, I decided to show him some snatches, even though my form with snatches is not good. Sure enough, I wasn't concentrating and I flubbed one, which caused me some pain. It felt like pulling a muscle somewhere under my right scapula. Nothing serious, but it was really uncomfortable. Later, that night, I found that it really hurt when I laid down. The only comfortable position to sleep in was on my left side.

Finally, this morning the alarm clock woke me up and I noticed I was sleeping on my right side. The pain is almost completely gone. I skipped working out for 4 days last week, and have been kind of taking it easy this week since Sunday. I'm tempted to credit the recovery with daily Intuflow and foam rolling (well, lacrosse ball rolling in my case), but it's probably just the rest.